The 180challenge


"in His name repentance and forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed to all nations"  Luke 24:47

As a believer, you long to play a significant role in bringing Jesus to the nations. The problem is, you may not know where to start or how to be sure you’re making a difference. With over 30 years of experience in world missions, we understand what that’s like and it’s the reason we’re inviting you to...

  1. Invest $15/month ($180) over the next year.

  2. Subscribe to the e-newsletter and/or download the app for updates and notifications about the difference you're making.

  3. Share the challenge with your friends via e-mail, social media.

God has opened amazing doors of opportunity, but they won't be open forever.  Now is the time to act and make a difference for eternity.

Click one of the two buttons below to take the challenge or TEXT keyword 180challenge to (833)476-8706 and follow the prompts.

Become a nation changer today!

Facilitate church planting movements, establish ministry training centers and provide faith-building publications and media for the nations of the French-speaking world.

You may also mail your $15/month 180challenge offering. Make checks payable to Nations180 (write 180challenge on the memo line) and send to: Nations180 P.O. Box 1792 Broken Arrow, OK 74013