Meet Our Nation Changers

As a partner with this ministry, you are playing a vital role in helping to turn nations around with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Your prayers and support are helping to raise up a "new breed" of Nation Changers.  Below, you'll find a very small sampling of some of these individuals who are making a very big difference.


POLICE commissioner  launches nation-wide association of christian police officers  

Among RHEMA Haiti's 2018 graduates was the police chief for Petionville.   Responsible for the zone where the President of the Republic lives and works, he holds one of the most influential posts in the nation.   

IWhile attending RHEMA, he and another classmate pioneered a new church in Hinche, Haiti.  However, wanting to expand the influence of the Gospel even more, he decided to launch the Association des Policiers Chrétiens d'Haïti (Association of Christian Police of Haiti.)  With active members in all ten government regions of the nation, these officers are encouraged to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in uniform.  On of their goals is to help the youth of Haiti to see that true power is not found in gang activity or 


Salvation Army's regional directors for northern haiti

This young couple serve as the Salvation Army's regional directors for Northern Haiti.  They just graduated on May 5 from RHEMA Haiti along with 13 of their key leaders.  Filled with the Spirit and the Word of Faith, they are excited about more effectively reaching the hurting people of Haiti.  

The Salvation Army has approximately 64 congregations and they will be sending 24 of their pastors to study at RHEMA Haiti in the Fall of 2018 along with over 60 of their key workers.