
There has been a flagrant lack of reporting of this in the U.S. media. Since many have been asking, we wanted to give you this important update:


Haiti has now entered its tenth day of civil unrest with protesters demanding the presidents resignation in the shadow of serious allegations of corruption. At least seven fatalities have been reported following clashes with the National Police. Many foreigners , including a group of 100 Quebecers, have been stuck in the country for over a week unable to get to the airport while some have hired private helicopters to evacuate.


Just prior to this outbreak of violence, RHEMA Haiti’s 350+ students were able to attend the entire six day Winter Session without incident. After classes ended on February 6, they were all able to travel safely to their homes across the island.


By 5 a.m. the morning of February 7, however, roads were already beginning to be barricaded and my driver could not get through to take me to the airport. Thankfully, a plan B was executed, a clear route was found and my colleague, Donato Anzalone from Switzerland, and I were able to fly out just before things really blew up.


Since that time, the situation has continued to deteriorate with armed gangs and angry protesters burning tires in the streets, looting businesses and banks and doing everything they can to disrupt. The flow of traffic has been completely shut down and schools, businesses remain closed. With stores and even street vendors are unable to operate, food is becoming more and more scarce.



On Wednesday, RHEMA Haiti’s administrators, Ruth & Andy Joseph wrote to update us on the seriousness of the situation. Their faith in God shone through as Andy shared, “Mais la bonne nouvelle c’est que Dieu nous donne la joie et la paix que le monde ne peut nous donner.” (The good news is that God gives us the joy and the peace that the world cannot give us.) In referencing the protection of God’s people in the midst of the plagues of Egypt, he continued, “Il a un “Gosen” pour nous au milieu de tout ça. Amen.” (There is a “Goshen” for us in the midst of all this. Amen.)


Four of our key team members, including administrators Andy and Ruth, have been scheduled to attend RHEMA’s Worldwide Homecoming as well as some vitally important leadership meetings in Oklahoma from February 17- March 1. With their flight scheduled to leave Friday the 15th, they attempted to get to the airport the night before under the cover of darkness only to be turned back by the police and demonstrators.

Around 1 a.m. the group decided to leave their luggage behind and, with just small knapsacks containing the bare essentials, they convinced friends with motorcycles to attempt getting them to the airport.

With gang guarded metal barricades welded together and blocking most of the roads it was a tedious trip. They were regularly met by agressive protesters who demanded gasoline from their motorcycles to be used to fuel the fires of the tires already burning in the streets. By God’s grace, Andy and Ruth succeeded in convincing the rioters to take money instead of the gasoline. So, by paying protesters all along the way to open barricades just enough to get the motorcycles through, they finally made it safely to the airport.

Ruth sent us a picture of the knapsack containing the bare essentials that she was able to take with her on the mororclyle with the following message: "We made it to the airport, needless to say we have no luggage with us so we wouldn’t raise suspic…

Ruth sent us a picture of the knapsack containing the bare essentials that she was able to take with her on the mororclyle with the following message: "We made it to the airport, needless to say we have no luggage with us so we wouldn’t raise suspicions that we were travelling.”


Andy, Ruth and the others are now safe in Oklahoma. I spoke with them today and they were at the Salvation Army Store attempting to get clothes and coats since they had to leave their suitcases behind. (One of our partners offered to help and I gave them a budget and told them nations180 would help take care of getting them properly clothed for their time in the U.S.)


Though we’re rejoicing for Andy and Ruth’s safe arrival, our prayers remain with all of the precious people back in Haiti. Especially close to our hearts are RHEMA Haiti’s 500+ graduates and 350+ current students who are still there, in need of our prayers. Those living in the countryside can often sustain themselves off the land but shortages have caused prices in the city to skyrocket. Andy and Ruth bought as much food as they could for some of our team members before leaving but had to pay $35 USD for a small bunch of bananas and $20 USD for Mangos. Bread is almost impossible to find. Many people, including some of our team, are alternating days on which they can eat.

We know that God has great things in store for the people of Haiti. We refuse to be distracted or discouraged by the current state of affairs. Armed with the Word of God and the message of our authority in Christ, we join forces with the believers in Haiti to push back the powers of darkness and declare peace over that nation!

The fervent, effective prayer of a righteous man avails much! Prayer really can change nations. With that in mind we humbly ask you to pray with us for Haiti in accordance to the Word Paul shared with Timothy, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

We love and appreciate you,

Ken & Tonja Taylor

Ken Taylor