Straight Talk About Money Matters


“Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account…“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:17,19

 This ministry depends solely on the generous financial support of people like you.   As of today, our combined regular monthly partner commitments for the ministry are averaging just $1,800/month.   

 We need to increase that amount immediately to $10,000/month and our goal is to reach $30,000/month in order to expand our team and enter the many doors that are already open throughout French-speaking Africa.

 This ministry is not underwritten and we receive no personal remuneration from another ministry.

 Because many are inquiring and because the need is great, we wanted to answer these two most frequently asked questions:


We’ve served as missionary pastors in Québec for over 25 years. Now that we have passed the baton to a new lead pastor, we have also passed him our salary.

 We’ve stepped out in faith and are devoting ourselves full-time to the expansion of this ministry into the 33 nations and 11 territories of the French-speaking world.   

This means that, at 52 years of age, we’re again in a position of raising our personal and ministry support through Nations180.  Our home church here in Québec will, of course, contribute to that support, but we need many more partners to come on board.


We are responsible for raising the support for each of the RHEMA Bible Training College campuses that we found and oversee.  As much as they would love to, RHEMA USA is not in a position to underwrite the 253 campuses that are now operating in 51 nations. 

 For the last several years, Kenneth Copeland Ministries has partnered with us to generously fund the majority of expenses for RHEMA Haiti and we are forever grateful for their continuing investment.  At the same time, they have made it clear that they do not believe it would be healthy to be the sole supporter of any ministry. 

 Here’s what you can do to help:

1.     Sow a generous one-time gift today.

2.     Set up a recurring gift and become a regular nations180 monthly partner.

3.     Encourage your friends or congregation to take the 180challenge.

Three ways to give:

  • Click here to give on-line

  • Text keyword 180give to 779-77 and follow the prompts.

  • Mail your gift to: Nations180, P.O. Box 1975, Branson, MO 65615

Our vision is clear, our track record is proven and our future is bright!

Thank you for your faithful support which is helping us facilitate church planting movements, establish ministry training centers and provide faith-building publications and media for the nations of the French-speaking world!

Ken & Tonja Taylor


Ken Taylor