100% of Goal Reached! Thank you for your generosity that helped keep these Haitian children in school this year!

100% of Goal Reached!
$0 $2,000

We recently shared that, for most Haitians, a K-12 education is only offered to children whose families are able to pay. Uniforms, books, backpacks, school supplies and tuition must be provided for by each student’s family or the kids cannot attend school.  

Since 2013, this ministry has underwritten the educational costs of the Nelson family’s six beautiful children.  Last Friday we presented our 180partners with an opportunity to participate in raising the $2,000 needed to keep these kids in school this year!

We’re delighted to report that, as of today, this goal has been met in full! A huge thanks to all who sowed generously to make this Christmas season extra special!

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD— and he will repay you!” Proverbs 19:17 (NLT)

Consider becoming a 180partner today!

180partners are the heroic men and women who provide the prayer and monthly financial support that make it possible to facilitate church planting movements, establish ministry training centers and provide faith building publications and media for the nations of the French-speaking world!

Give on-line: www.nations180.com/partner

Give by Mail: nations180, PO Box 1975 Branson, MO 65615

Give by Text: keyword 180partner to 779-77

Ken Taylor