Prayer for Bénin, West Africa
Pray for Bénin, West Africa
Hey Nation Changers, this month we're asking you to target Bénin, West Africa in your 180prayer time. Presently, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Arab Emirates are investing huge sums to help spread Islam throughout the nation. Besides promises to provide micro financing, education, wells and other benefits to those willing to convert, their goal is to build at least one mosque per kilometre in every population center. For the time being, Bénin remains an important cushion holding back the encroaching extremist forces that are making great efforts to flood the nation from neighboring countries such as Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Niger etc. We were there June 4-10 and met with inflential leaders, including the presidents of protestant federations representing 8,000 local churches in the country. Pray for God's perfect plan to unfold as we collaborate with these precious men of God to establish a ministry training center, help facilitate their church planting efforts and provide them with faith-building books and media materials. We believe Bénin will be a key which opens the door to a great move of God throughout French-speaking Africa.