The “Red Wave of RHEMA” to reach historic proportions in Haiti this November!


The “RED WAVE of RHEMA” to reach historic proportions in Haiti this November

In a world in which the political environment is becoming increasingly heated and polarized, it’s refreshing to remember that faith in Jesus, His Word and His Church is the only real hope for transforming nations today. That’s why, as journalists and politicians speculate and debate whether it will be a blue or a red wave sweeping the upcoming U.S. elections, we’re excited to share that a different kind of “red wave” will reach historic proportions in Haiti on November 1.  That’s the day RHEMA Haiti will be receiving 370 new students who will be coming from all over the country to begin 2.5 years of ministerial training.  Following in the footsteps of the class of 2015 (274 graduates) and the class of 2018 (249 graduates), this will be our largest intake of students to date.  They are excited to start their journey towards joining the “sea of red robes” worn by the alumni who have preceded them and who are now changing the nation through church planting and a multitude of ministerial efforts.

As you can imagine, there are a lot of expenses tied to such a large intake of students.  Here is a list of some of the most important extra items which are above and beyond our regular operating budget.  Thank you, in advance, for prayerfully considering what the Lord might have you do to help keep the red wave of RHEMA moving forward in Haiti and the nations of the French-speaking world!

 ·      Stoves in need of replacement

Since 2012, the kitchen team has already prepared approximately 39,600 meals for our ministerial students.  After such heavy use, some of the propane stoves are failing and we need $1,150 USD to replace them.

Since 2012, our kitchen team has already prepared approximately 39,600 meals for our ministerial students.

Since 2012, our kitchen team has already prepared approximately 39,600 meals for our ministerial students.

  •   Additional training tables and chairs needed

In order to receive this year’s larger student body, we must procure additional tables and chairs at a cost of $3,680 USD.

Being used 8 hours/day, adequate tables and chairs are an essential tool for these ministers in training.

Being used 8 hours/day, adequate tables and chairs are an essential tool for these ministers in training.

 ·      New three-ring binders needed

We must provide 370 students with new three-ring binders for a total $1,600 USD

Students will use these binders over the course of their 2.5 years of training.

Students will use these binders over the course of their 2.5 years of training.

·      Inverter Batteries Needed

Due to regular electrical outages and grid failures in Haiti, it is necessary for us have an independent power supply.  At present we need four inverter batteries ($300 USD each) for a total of $1,200 USD

Thank you for keeping nations180 and RHEMA Haiti in your prayers! Together, we are transforming the nations of the French-speaking world!

Thank you for keeping nations180 and RHEMA Haiti in your prayers! Together, we are transforming the nations of the French-speaking world!

Ken Taylor