RHEMA Haiti Students Return Despite Months of Civil Unrest



Thursday, January 30 will prove to be an important day in the history of the Haitian church as hundreds of ministerial students from across the nation returned to class. This was following months of civil unrest which had paralyzed the country and created a serious humanitarian and economic crises .

These men and women have determined to let nothing stop them as they continue to prepare to answer the call of God upon their lives. They are the hope of Haiti. Thank you, nations180 partners, for your prayers and support which are helping these champions for Christ take their place in history. I can think of no better way to embody the apostle Paul’s exhortation to Timothy, “And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2

Your Partnership Reached Thousands in 2019 and 2020 Promises to Be Even More Fruitful

As we enter into a new decade, we wanted to sincerely thank you for your faithful partnership over the last 12 months.   In 2019, you impacted the lives of thousands of French-speakers through nations180’s strategic ministry endeavors in the following nations:

  • Benin (West Africa)

  • Congo – DRC – (Central Africa)

  • France

  • Gabon (Central Africa)

  • Haiti

  • Québec

2020 promises to be more fruitful than ever and we are especially excited to continue preparations to launch the first French-speaking RHEMA Bible Training colleges on the continent of Africa. 

Thank you, in advance, for your ongoing support!   Together, we will continue to make progress towards the fulfillment of our God-given mandate to facilitate church planting movements, establish ministry training centers and provide faith-building publications and media for every nation of the French-speaking world!

In Him,

Ken & Tonja Taylor - Nations180 Founders

Ken Taylor